Kill the Ravan Within

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Evolution was defined by Darwin as ‘Descent with modification’ the idea that is explained as ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, It is the one that is the most adaptable to change’. 

Dussehra or Vijayadashami, in Hinduism, marking the triumph of Rama, over the 10-headed demon king Ravan. The festival’s name is derived from the Sanskrit words Dasha (“ten”) and Hara (“defeat”). Our religious belief is that nobody is ever completely evil.

Ravan with qualities i.e. Buddhi (Intellect), Manas (Mind), Chitta (Will), Matsarya (Envy), Ahamkar (Ego), Krodh (Anger), Madh (Pride), Moha (Delusion), Kama (Lust), Lobh (Greed), was son of a sage with no wealth, grew to become a King and possessed a lot of wealth. However he continued to destroy whatever he earned in his lifetime due to undesirable qualities overpowering the desirable one’s which dint let him adapt to the time and situation.

Rama, born in a royal family, possessing qualities i.e. Dhairya (Patience), Buddhi (Intellect), Shaurya (Courage), Satya (Truth), Karuna (Compassion), Kritaghna (Thankful), Maryada (Limit), Naitik (Moral), Aagyakari (Obedient) and many more, lost everything during his youth but reclaimed his kingdom again due to these qualities which helped him adapt and respond to the changes and challenges he faced during his exile and afterwards.

We all have Rama and Ravan both inside us but to survive, evolve and exist we need to be able to adapt to the changes.To do so “Let’s kill the Ravana within”.

The feature image is from internet doing rounds in last 3-4 years. Credit to the original creater.

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3 thoughts on “Kill the Ravan Within

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